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- Genre: Electronic, License: Non-Exclusive130 bpm, 130bpm, all i need, ariana grande type vocals, atmospheric vocals, Bass, break free, calm vocals, club vocals, disco vocals, drum & bass vocals, edm vocals, energetic, groovy, high energy, house, intense, lit, lose control, magic, melodic, New, new world, palm trees, Pop, progressive house vocals, R&B Vocals, rhythm, rihanna, soul, soul vocals, soulful vocals, swag, symphony, tech house vocals, vibeNon-ExclusiveSisi130EDM, Drum and Bass, TechnoD minNon-Exclusive Vocal≈FemaleInstrumental not included in final deliveryRELEASE EVERYWHERE & KEEP 100% MASTER & 100% PUBLISHING ROYALTIESN/ANo